Maksatics camp is a unique place where you want to come back time and again

We inspire young filmmakers around the world. Through our innovative, engaging film and media workshops, creative events, and activities, we empower the creators of tomorrow to take bold, imaginative steps toward their success in life.

The ability to
set goal

and creative

Teamwork and

Autonomy in

What is unique about the camp
  • In the creative process, children are partners and equal participants . Adults and children have equal rights, with the exception that adults are responsible for children.
  • Each year’s theme reflects the spirit of the time and is always on the cutting edge of relevance and popularity. The filming process is formed by a new agenda, and the films produced by children align with the main topic of the season and differ in genre.
  • Each term, the child learns to adapt to an unfamiliar environment, make new friends, practice communication, and exercise independence and perseverance to achieve the goal.
  • A well-balanced schedule of creative and sports activities, travel, and excursions.
Our History
Yulia Romanenkova, the creator of the concept of children’s development through cinematography, guarantees the best holidays and the most vivid memories!
Maksatics camp international founded in 2014 as a first filmmaking residential holiday camp in the UK.
  • 700 children visited the camp Most of the campers, as they got older, became team leaders or film production instructors for children.
  • 30 terms For the last 8 years Maksaitcs camp has been running in the UK, Italy and Cyprus.
From inception to the present
  • 50 short films Have been created by children at Maksatics Camp International.
Awarded “The best Children’s film”
In 2016 Maksatics’ cartoon was awarded “The best Children’s film” at the International Film Festival of Disability in Cannes.
  • Thousands of hours

    Have been watched on our YouTube channel.

Our Principles

Friendly atmosphere for the growth of creative and open-minded thinking.


Every inhabitant has an equal rights and opportunities to accomplish their objectives.


High level of professionalism, safety and reliability.


Children openly express their opinions, skills, talents and enjoy the results.


Cheerfulness and sense of humour. Independence and freedom of expression.


There is no hierarchy of communication. There are no bosses and subordinates, children and adults are the team.

Coming programmes 2025
“Dream Lab. Carpe Diem”
Lago di Garda, Italy
Casa per Ferie Al Carmine

Everyone wants to change their life for the better, but not everyone knows how. Because of the abundance, many have forgotten how to dream, and we live a full life happily only when dreams come true and new ones appear.


We know how and can give you something unique!

Lake Garda hotel: 

Casa per Ferie Al Carmine


11 – 17 y.o.

14 days

€ 3,040

“Carpe Diem. Theory”
26 July – 09 August
Submit application
“Carpe Diem. Practice”
10 August – 24 August
Submit application
Contact us via Whatsapp
Our Team
Children are taught by professional instructors with hands-on experience in various aspects of filmmaking along with some of the top colleges’ filmmakers from around the world.
Yulia Romanenkova

Macsatics Camp founder and creator. More than 30 years of experience in leading positions in banking, financial structures, and industrial holdings. Founder of the Charity Fund «For Happiness!» Successful businesswoman and mother of three children, a graduate of the State Academy of Finance (1986−1991) and the Chicago Booth University Executive MBA programme (2005−2007).

Nina Krasnoshapka
Creative director

Creative Director of Maksatics LTD (UK) from 2015. Theatre actress, teacher, and film director. Nina has been engaged in the development of a creative filmmaking programme in the UK and EU since Maksatics’ inception and has successfully provided the programme for an international film camp in Italy and Cyprus for over 700 children while managing up to 40 people staff.

Alexander Sachkov
Art director

Artist of the ensemble of musicals: “Viy”. “The Last Test”, “Crystal Heart”, “Why not?”, “12 musicals”, etc.
Choreographer-director of musicals: “Alice in Wonderland”, “The Wizard of Oz” (Stas Namin’s Theater of Music and Drama), as well as other various projects.

Egor Salnikov
Theatre and film director

VGIK alumnus (2008, the course of A.S. Lenkov). Member of the Writers’ Union. Theatrical works: Theatre association ETHOS — “Be healthy, schoolboy” 2007. Stanislavsky Theatre — “Romeo and Juliet” 2008.‌ Teaches acting, directing and stage speech in children’s camps Artek, Alga, Maksatics, etc. Works as a director, screenwriter, editor in the movement of children and youth “Big Change”, “Movement of the First”. Poet.

Katya Sysa
Theatre and film actress

International theatre festival participant: Tallinn Treff Festival (Estonia, Tallinn), Międzynarodowy Festival Szkół Lalek (Poland, Bialystok), Anima (Ukraine, Kharkiv), KuKart (Russia, St. Petersburg), Gaming Paradise, (Slovenia), etc. Inspirer and consultant of urban projects. In the Maksatics Camp since 2014: “Working with children makes the world a better place, and I give a little bit of myself to every child I meet.”

Semyon Filippov
Theatre and film director

Drama theatre director graduate of Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts with 12 years of work experience. He has staged 15 performances with professional actors, more than 20 performances with children and teens, shot over 30 short films in Russia, Italy, Cyprus. Since 2016, works at Maksatics International Camp. He founded the independent theater troupe Rupor, was the artistic director of the largest children’s theater studio.

Oleg Hill
Acting teacher, counsellor

Graduated from the Riga Theatre School-Studio with a degree in “Acting”. Received his second education in London, graduating from the Performing Arts Academy.

For a long time, he combined work in the theatre, radio, and cinema. Londoners are familiar with Oleg as a radio host, an actor in the Xameleon Theatre and a host of various events.

Tanya Nayden
Portrait photographer

“In London, I create studio photo portraits and occasionally shoot photo reports, including those in difficult living conditions. I spend all my free time reading books, playing tennis, walking and gathering friends for board games. I love cooking, and I do it fast and delicious. Everything is serious with our children; we study this huge, interesting and mysterious world together”.

Anton Krainy
Theatre and film Actor

Education: ISI, workshop of E. V. Radomylensky.

Work experience: From 2004 to the present, actor in the Jewish Theater “Shalom”, theatre projects at the Integration Center at the N.A. Ostrovsky Museums.

Hobbies: photography and travel (54 countries). Works at the Maksatics Camp since 2016.

Not yet convinced your child will love Maksatics Camp?
Get in touch and we’ll answer all your questions

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